Hi! There was a problem when I want to offset that surface outward into a solid (Picture 1), but the outcome was just something like curve (Picture 2).
What the really strange thing is there is no problem when I offset this surface inward (Picture 3).
And here is the rhino file.
Exercise 2.3dm (433.8 KB)
I would more than appreciate if you can provide any idea of solution.
(Pascal Golay)
June 11, 2024, 2:48pm
Hello- I see that, thanks.
RH-82502 OffsetSrf failure
Probably the cleanest way out for now is
OffsetSrf >Solid=No, Loose=Yes
Trim and Join
It’s work! Thank you so much!
Good idea! Thank you very much, Pascal!
(Pascal Golay)
June 11, 2024, 3:11pm
Note if you lower the tolerance, the result has edge and/or vertex tolerances larger than the document tolerance, which can lead to problems later.
Oh, I see…Thanks for you reminding me of it!