just trying out the ambient occlusion display.
looks good!
but I find it a bit irritating that the quality is different(worse) during viewport manipulation.
On the machine here is a titan graphics card and the scene rotates so fast that i guess it should handle the high quality all the time. is there a way to control the ambient occlusion quality?
the only way to change the occlusion appearance seems to be shadow color.
It is currently not possible to change any ambient occlusion settings. Regarding the quality during viewport manipulation - I will be adjusting this further, today or later this week. Stay tuned
Yup - make a copy of your Arctic mode settings in the options panel, and set the material to “custom” - setting the transparency to something you like.
it seems right now one has to start from the arctic display mode, I did the same Andy suggested in a custom created mode, and as soon as there is any transparency set in the custom material, AO is gone.