Alternate units broken in WIP

Alternate dimension units appears to be broken in the WIP (6.0.17269.9391, 2017-09-26)
Will not scale to a new value

Hi Abraham - thanks, I’ll check this.
(Moving it to the Serengeti group)
So far this works here in the latest -

are you modifying a dimension that is one of our default styles or a custom one?


I modified Default style.
OK this is really strange…

open Rhino 5 model in Rhino 6
modify Default style to enable alternate units
alternate units work fine
save as Rhino 6 file-don’t close
alternate units still work fine
close file and save as Rhino 6
open in Rhino 6
alternate units still work fine!


open new file in Rhino 6
modify Default style to enable alternate units
alternate units fail to scale properly
save as Rhino 5 but don’t close file
alternate units still fail to scale
close file and save as Rhino 5 when closing
open file in Rhino 6
alternate units work fine

Hi Abraham - thanks for the details, I’ll check it.

So far today this does not work here- it’s just wrong, not scaled. I see the problem you originally described now, btw .

But it does work to simply set the units of the alternate text, which you can do now, to Inches - do you see that? It’s still messy in that while the number appears to be correct, Properties does not show the correct units. I’ll log a couple of bugs here - thanks for the heads-up.


Thanks Pascal, I didn’t see the setting to change the unit type to inches and this works now for me. But I see your comment about properties and am glad this is going to get cleaned up.

RH-41812 is fixed in the latest WIP