Alt Copy Inconsistencies

when we copy an object with the gumball enabled pressing alt before you start dragging on one of the arrows is possible. not sure when that got introduced, for me it was always the awkward drag and a tap to copy an object and i just realised that with gumball it works the traditional way, was that always like that and i did not figure it out? anyway i am a surprised.

now would it be possible to make alt copy the same not involving the gumball? i know the problem is here that alt forces a sort of non dragging window selection when used on surfaces etc to make selections within some geometry possible not throwing around the geometry which is under the mouse which is very useful → but maybe the alt copy would still make sense for curves and for surfaces when i aim for an edge for instance.

any thoughts?

Hello- tap Alt to invoke copying on dragging objects or on transforming if there is a Copy command line option - is that what you mean?


BTW, the tooltip is wrong for the Gumball:

For copy with the Gumball, it’s “Hold Alt key down”

you can do either actually… alt + drag works the same as drag +tap alt.

This was a change made in v7 because students struggled with the drag +tap alt so alt+ drag was added.


i meant copying objects without the gumball with 1. press alt 2. then click on and drag the object instead of dragging then tapping, like it is possible with gumball enabled on the arrows now since version 7 in that case. since it has implications that alt dragging creates a window selection i would suggest to make this possible for curves. and for surfaces when you drag exactly on the edge.

i should be writing less and more succinct. maybe my commas are off :man_shrugging:

any further thoughts?

Well, drag + tap alt works ‘in general’, alt down + drag only wortks with gumball, as far as I can see. I think you are asking for the latter to work in general,correct?
I do not see how that can work with alt-down as a selection modifier.


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on curves, and on the edges of surfaces/polysurfaces that could still work without hindering it or am i not seeing clearly now.

also please dont edit posts after they are liked, now i am liking a post i would have not put my heart into :smile: