I recently started experiencing an odd and highly annoying issue where the adjustable curve blend handles get “laggy” for lack of a better description.
Normally, if I click to adjust a handle they move with the cursor until clicking again. Now, the handles do not move until I either click to stop adjustment or move my view around (which I do with a spacemouse). As soon as I stop moving the camera around, the handles stop moving. This makes find adjustment very tedious.
What is super weird is that it only seems to be happening in one project. If I open a different project or an earlier incremental save of my main project it works fine.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
Possibly relevant facts:
Beefy computer. Rhino uses 10-15% cpu at most while this is happening.
RTX3050, GPU sits at 5% max. Latest nvidia studio drivers.
Project is big, but nothing crazy, 65mb.
Issue is consistent with any viewport or geometry
If it matters, the solution I’ve been using is to just accept the default curve from blendcrv. Then I turn off the gumball and use dragmode control polygon to adjust the curve. Not ideal and ruins symmetry, but it does work properly and update smoothly.
Unfortunately it only happens in this one project. If I open something else it’s fine. If this weren’t my main epic project I’ve been working on full time for the past year it wouldn’t be such an annoyance!
I was hoping there was something simple I was missing that caused this. For what it’s worth, here is systeminfo. systeminfo.txt (3.0 KB)
Hi Jason- My guess is, just a guess - that it has to do with the size of the extents of the geometry in the scene compared to the view - a test would be to hide everything but the objects you are blending - does that make any difference?
Unfortunately, no. I just turned off absolutely everything then drew two line segments and tried to blend them. Same result.
I mentioned earlier that an old save does not have the same behavior. Just checked that again in detail and am wondering if this could be related to the last Rhino update. There is likely an install log somewhere but I think it gave me an update last week and my program files/rhino folder creation shows 1/18. The actual files all say 1/9, but I think that might be the patch creation date and not the actual installation on my end.
Anyway, I have an old save from 1/16 that works properly. The next incremental copy from 1/19 and everything after that had the odd behavior described. As an extra test I took the 1/16 copy, resaved it just now, closed, reopened and it still works fine.
So I’m guessing something got corrupted in my later save files. If so, is anything I can do about that other than give up two weeks of work or try to manually copy and paste changes?
Also, I often work from two computers one at home and one at work. Both get updates when the pop-up tells me to update. That means it’s not uncommon to be using the same file with two different Rhino versions. Could that cause problems?
Hi Jason - can you please run Audit3dmFile on the last well behaving and on the badly behaving file save the output and send me those? You can post here, or send to tech@mcneel.com to my attention. Please include a link to this topic in your comments.
I think a person could use Rhino daily for an entire lifetime and there would still be a long list of commands they’d never heard of. The depth of this software never ceases to amaze me.
Thanks again, I will email you with the audit files!