Adjust SubD vertices so SubD object matches a Polysrf

I have a SubD object I want to match up with a polysrf. I know I could just quadremesh the polysrf, but I’ve worked hard on the arrangement of edges of the SubD object already.

I can take the SubD vertices and pull them to the SubD. But this leaves the SubD object undershooting the actual position of the Polysrf. The SubD vertices have to go out beyond the polysrf in order to get a good match between the actual SubD object and the polysrf. So for now I’m just manually adjusting the vertices.

I could write an algorithm to do this, iteratively stepping the points out until the SubD object best matches the polysrf. But maybe something like this already exists or is in the works?

Thank you,

Do you have access to Rhino 9 WIP?

I haven’t got it yet but could. I did see a post on the SubDMatch. But that looks more like it matches up an edge and then ensures continuity along the transition. My SubD overlays the polysrf and just needs to duplicate the position in general, not just an edge.

Maybe I missed something, does SubDMatch do that?

Sorry. I read you post again. No that’s no case for SubDMatch…

Can you share an example with your geometry?


Trying to bring the grey SubD to better match the blue polysrf

What if you pull the vertices instead of control points?


That is exactly right Martin, of course! End of the day here and my brain is mixing up vertices and control points. Thank you!

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Nice, very handy

Sorry, just one more related question here; is there a way to select all vertices of a subD object with clicking them individually? And also, select just the vertices of one edge loop?

I too would like to know if there is, as far as I’m aware you’d have to just drag select over an object with the vertex filter on. And it be nice if you could convert from one selection type to another, i do this all the time in maya and blender.

Try '_SubDFaceEdgeVertexToggle

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With the vertex filter active, select one vertex and then double click the next vertex in the loop


No special filter and select a loop of edges… Ctrl+Shift+click one edge and then ctrl+shift+double click a next edge. Then '_SubDFaceEdgeVertexToggle

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this is what I use ^^ I have it assigned to an alias and find it quicker than using filters.

v9 has one key aliases and that makes filters finally work as they should but in v8, I select and toggle using the above.

Sweet, i wasn’t sure if that existed since i was looking in the menus and toolbars and didn’t see anything similar.

Got it, thanks!

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