Hallo all,
am I right in thinking that the WCS/OCS mapping only works with Rhino textures and not with Enscape or V-Ray materials? I just couldn’t figure out how to apply WCS/OCS mapping to to a V-Ray or Enscape material. Is there a method to add such a mapping to a Enscape or V-Ray texture?
Rhino and V-Ray mapping does not match in 100%. There is however support for WCS mapping
What is your case exactly ?
I use V-Ray and Enscape materials, and I would like to use the mapping saved in the material so that I don’t need to change every object property for changes in mapping.
is the above works for you. I believe this was what tou want
Yes that is what i what but it somehow dos not work with Vray Textures! And i just have the feeling that I miss something … that is what i get →
V-Ray textures have nothing to do with Rhino textures. They have different features with different mapping options.
WCS and OCS are supported mappings. You have to choose Mapping Source and then select World or Object space mapping.
Mind that in this case the texture you see in the viewport is a Rhino texture sampled and simulated from the V-Ray texture. This is what Enscape and Rhino viewport/render will “read”. It will most certainly won’t be the same as what you see in V-Ray.
This is valid for Enscape too - native enscape textures have simulation for Rhino to display and that is what other renderers “read”
V-Ray for Rhino has some support for Enscape textures, so it won’t actually read the simulation, but rather will try to convert the enscape texture to V-Ray terms.
However it won’t be 100% identical. There is always a loss during conversions
thx that is what I was looking for
Mind that this sort of mapping is 3D - it is designed for 3D textures. If you’re using bitmaps or 2D procedurals with this mapping, it is not guaranteed the sampler will yield the same result every time.
You can use V-Ray triplanar texture with more predictable results.