I´m creating a BIM catalogue for a furniture firm, they are have their product modeled as Rhino meshes, and want to maintain the original 3D of them.
The problem start when I import this files inside Revit, I can’t set the material of this “Import Symbol” as a parameter. So I thought Grasshopper inside Revit could help, but I´m not an expert with workflows.
Is it possible to add a parameter to an imported mesh such as material parameter? or any other like scale, which I need to be added too. I think it’s easier with “Component Family Form” but I haven´t been able to use a mesh with that as it ask for a BREP.
Thank you in advance, I attach what I have by the moment
If you use the New Component Family you can add the geometry if it is a brep. So that means that you should transform the mesh into a brep (I know it may not be entirely possible depending on the geometry ).
The good thing is that you create the elements as families in Revit and not Direct Shapes, that are more limited than families. I assume that families is the best option considering that you are working with furniture (correct me if I am wrong).
I add the mesh as well in case somebody may know how to turns it into a Brep or a less complex gemotry, by the moment I will be modeling the geometry on Revit
I realized that it is better that before running the script you have the New Component Family disabled. Load the mesh first and then enable it (but I am sure that this will not fix the issue).
Could you share the mesh? Maybe there is a way to simplify it, so that you can actually use the script.
Also, could you try with the Mesh to Polysurface component from Pufferfish?
Well, it´s actually working with the Pufferfish component, the bad new, the model imported is too heavy, it was lighter when I use the Revit’s Import CAD command, This work is a labyrinth with no way out hahaha.
Thank you guys, now I´m trying the Dynamo & Python option, I hope this could fit well on my project.