Add lattice command to rhino?

Hi all
Is it possible to add a lattice modifier?
I know we can do with grasshopper, but that’s a good command
Example :point_down:

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useful cammand if work and output subd or mesh

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Hi all
Do you find this tool useful?

Looks interesting yes but I would think it would be best as a mesh tool and not one for SubD as the face count will get so large I bet you won’t be able to work with it. Rhino SubD are surfaces not meshes which allows them to convert to NURBS surfaces. So they aren’t the same thing really as mesh with a subdivision modifier on it.

Of course, you can convert using ToSubD any mesh you want that was created in your poly modeler. Maybe that is a faster solution as Rhino doesn’t have a similar tool right now. The idea of editable modifiers is not a core feature in Rhino, there are some render mesh modifiers but this is not like what you are showing.

Grasshopper has some add-ons that I think will also be of interest

You could make lattice meshes with those > bake out the meshes > reduce Mesh > ToSubD if you ultimately want a SubD.


Yes i did work with this plugin of course i wanted it to do without grasshopper intervention even the IntraLattice plugin can do some good things thanks for your responsiveness

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