Hello everyone,
I am having problems in smoothing the mesh of a lattice structure. When I create a lattice in grasshopper with the Intralattice plugin, the output is a very coarse, non uniform mesh. I figured that the workaround to that would be to further subdivide the mesh with the _Subdivide command and the run the QuadRemesh command in Rhino WIP. And it works, at least partly.
It shows no problems in creating a quadmesh on a 2x2 unit cell lattice structure, and does so fairly quickly with excellent results. I find that to get the desired result, I should set the target quad count to 150*unit cell with a 20% adaptive size.
However, since I need to run Simulations on the part, I need at least a 3x3 unit cell lattice structure. When I run the same string of commands, the quad remesh gets stuck at 75% and simply does not progress beyond that point.
I cannot understand the source of the problem. I know it can be a heavy task with this kind of geometry, but I have had way more complex simulations take way less time to solve.