Is there a way in the UI to enhance the difference in display between Active and Inactive Detail Windows? It would be a great help to have a strong colour highlight on the boundary when active, and/or a much greater difference in displayed width.
what’s the issue you are having, to find the detail that is active, to find if a detail is active, both?
A visual example of what you want will be helpful
In Short, both. Below is the way it currently is. Later I’ll post a shot of what I’d like.
Below are screen shots of two details with the current settings, and though it’s almost impossible to discern, a different detail is active in each image. (It’s the left detail in the top image and the right detail in the bottom image.) I’d like the boundary on the active one to be a colour which contrasts with that of the inactive detail. In this case the detail boundary is set to display (by layer) as a very light grey*. It’d be great if in this condition the active version were a very dark grey or black. It would also work fine if the boundary of the active detail were to be 10 or 20 times the thickness of the inactive detail, with the colour remaining the same.
(*This is what I require for a variety of reasons. The inactive detail colour to be only minimally differentiated from the canvas, but the active detail clearly visible.)
More than occasionally I find myself working in a detail when I think I’m working on top of it (and vice versa) because the gui – at least the default settings – doesn’t show clearly enough - for my eye – when a detail is active. This is compounded drastically when a large project exhibits lag causing a detail to become active a second or so after it’s double-clicked, and by the fact that if a different detail is active when one wants to activate a particular detail, double-clicking has no discernable effect because it only deactivates the currently (but undiscernably) active detail. This leads to the requirement to double-click the desired detail a second time, but if there’s lag it seems to have no discernable effect, etc. Confusion ensues.
Either of the below would work:
In the first, the colour is inverted for the active detail (it’s not just black, it’s as far below mid-grey as the inactive colour is above it.) This might be the best.
In the second, the thickness is 10x.
In each case I can discern easily which is active. The way it currently works, I can’t.
Hi @djhg,
Details are just objects. Thus, you can adjust the color, linetype and line weight to be whatever works for you.
– Dale
Thanks Dale.
Of course.
But how do we control the colour a detail window perimeter displays when it’s active (vs when it’s inactive, or inactive and selected).
Confirmed. It’s often not easy to see if or which detail view is active(!). There should be a stronger (color) indicator, not just the subtle color difference of the detail’s display mode.
@dale If I can jump in I wish even more:
I would like NOT to see any unactive detail view until it get focus from the mouse movement or it’s active/selected.
This is how it works on any other CAD system, and is logical because Rhino set the print property to noprint by default.
I got used to change the color of detail view to a gray color very close to background color to not be disturbed.
like this (sorry I can’t share the whole drawing):
Why not to give background color as default and then higlight it OnMouseOver ?
Thanks for considering this.
You can also hide al these detail lines completely with PrintDisplay. In that case SubObject select highlighting will work
Fine, but this is an higher level skill.
It requires bigger number of clicks/steps and is longer to teach.
Other than this if a newby approches Rhino first time from other CAD he would expect hidden areas like any other cad but he get confused from all this lines.
Couldn’t be a default options?
Hi @skysufer,
Rhino changes the active “detail” background to the model space viewport background color.
Does that work for you?
Or do you think the active detail needs its own color control?
Mary Ann Fugier
So that the pallet range of colours I have set up for my layers has the same level of visibility in both working spaces, I have long used the same colour for the background for each space except for a couple of special presentation view modes.
With such a setup I have to rely on the (currently very subtle) change in the perimeter line of the detail to determine what detail is active. It leads to confusion. For me a greater change in the appearance of this border between active and inactive would be of great help.
Thanks for the reply and apologize for my delay.
Your answer isn’t what I’m looking for.
I got what you said and for me this wasn’t an issue but the color of the detail’s frame.
I can understand that detail are treathed as normal Rhino objects and then get the layer color as default. It make sense in general but is less efficient.
At the moment what I do is to always move the detail to a new layer and set it with a light gray colort to achive the result I need.
Isn’t a big deal but I’ve to do it every single time I build a new page.
In my opinion it would be good if the detail will get a dedicated layer with a light gray color already set. (for example like Make2D drawings behave)
Does it make sens?
Hi @skysurfer,
Thank you for the additional details.
I believe you are looking for a default Detail layer.
In Rhino 7 & 8, we have a default dimension layer only.
This command controls if the dimensions will be created on the current layer or the specified layer. And it is a document setting that you could make in your template to affect new files. And this only controls the dimension, not text.
I think a new SetDetailLayer command should work for you.
We also have wish for a SetTextLayer logged.
(I have often wished for a table of layers that specific objects would be set to a specific layer.)
Let me know what you think of a new SetDetailLayer command.
Mary Ann Fugier
This sounds really good.
Yes I think could be a viable way.
That’s good. It won’t solve the problem I’ve posted about though.
Right this doesn’t make the active detail view more visible.
Apologize if I’m trolling your post.
@mary any consideration on this matter?
Hi @djhg,
Would this be a pixel setting? Is it something fixed or in the display mode?
Let me know how you see this working.
I logged RH-84839/Show-Detail-Border-Thicker-When-Active
Thank you for your request.
Mary Fugier
Hi @skysurfer,
We logged: RH-84840/SetDetailLayer-and-SetTextLayer
Thank you for your request.
You will be notified here when/if it is available in Rhino.
But it is on the stack for the developers and the link is public,
Mary Ann Fugier