In case that anyone could find this useful, just find below a little script to create an example model using the library and plain python. I hope that this helps a little.
# a.linares
# Creates a 3dm file containing a group of randomly distributed lines defining an sphere.
from rhino3dm import *
import random as rd
import math as m
import os
# Initial paramenters
thetaMin = 0
thetaMax = m.pi
alphaMin = 0
alphaMax = m.pi*2
sphereRad = 100
numLines = 1500
centerPt = Point3d(0,0,0)
ModelFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE']), 'Desktop')
FileName = "SphereTest.3dm"
FilePath = os.path.join(ModelFilePath,FileName)
ModelFile = File3dm()
ModelObjectTable = ModelFile.Objects
for i in range(numLines):
theta = rd.uniform(thetaMin, thetaMax)
alpha = rd.uniform(alphaMin, alphaMax)
pt0 = centerPt
pt1X = sphereRad*m.sin(theta)*m.cos(alpha)
pt1Y = sphereRad*m.sin(theta)*m.sin(alpha)
pt1Z = sphereRad*m.cos(theta)
pt1 = Point3d(pt1X,pt1Y,pt1Z)
cLine = LineCurve(pt0,pt1)