I would love to this feature in the next major update (rhino 9) as I think most of the sub-components of this new feature are already available in rhino 8,
First of all it doesn’t replace blocks, it’s a new type of geometry as I said.
The concept is in this type grasshopper scripts will drive the geometry, you make custom grasshopper scripts then easily you can convert them into families so you can use them inside of rhino, note that when you use the family you don’t have to open grasshopper, It would be nicer if grasshopper does the magic in the background.
Ofc like any grasshopper script you have parameters, with families you would have 2 types of parameters, constructor parameters and adjustment parameters, best way to explain is with an example:
Imagine you’ve made a fence family, ofc you would want to give it a curve so the family turns it into fence, the curve is a constructor parameter, where if a curve isn’t provided obv no fence will be made, ofc you would have parameters like fence height, we could call that adjustment parameter, in the grasshopper script we could give it a default value and later in rhino we could adjust those parameters in a side panel.
I think most of what I talked about already exists in rhino, for example theres a side panel that allows you to “publish” parameters, also there is grasshopper player which I think my idea is really close to that
However the way would want rhino to register families is different than just a grasshopper player output, we would rather have something like how blocks are represented so it doesn’t take up to much space, I think this should be enough data to represent a family (family name or ID maybe the file location of the grasshopper script that drives the family, plane, [parameters])
I have much more to rant about although for now I think it’s enough, if the idea interests you (one of the developers) Id love to give more detail and ideas : )