Hello, McNeel team.
Probably a crazy wish. Have possibility to save some GH files as a part of Rhino file.
We have .ghx format, which is xml. A text, let’s say.
We already have ability to save it as a Document User text.
I would like to be able to run such “attached” .ghx files with Grasshopper Player.
It would be a great feature to have a new panel with included GH files listed.
And the next step is an ability to Run/stop such files from this panel without opening GH itself.
When you share such file you wont be worried about sharing related GH files. They’ll be inside 3DM.
I would also like a feature to have “autorun” checkbox in this GH list. This will load marked GH scripts to run after document load.
Some of those GH attachments could be just run once with immediate result baked. Some could just show a result of a script until closing the document (like having GH running).
To my vision it will widely expand Rhino possibilities from parametric perspective.
As a simple example, imagine having just one instance of a fastener saved in rhino file.
And after opening it you’ll have GH file autorunned and put this fastener to all the location you defined in GH. To my understanding this could significantly decrease saved file size (as one of a benefits).
This is just a very tiny thing you can do with this. It’s just your imagination limitations.
If it’s already some kind of existing feature, please let me know.