3dm preview from OneDrive

Hi Everyone,

From the last Ondrive build 23.119.0606.0001 I’m not able to display the preview of the 3dm files.

How Can I get the preview?


Josep Rexach


I’m not aware of any specific problems with OneDrive.

See if this helps:

There is a known issue with OneDrive, if the Files On Demand is enabled. OneDrive will try to save disk space and move files off into the cloud, and will leave a stub of the original file, this is typically what breaks the thumbnails.

You used to be able to tell it to not do this behavior, however the latest build of OneDrive appears to only have the option of “Download all Files” under the Advanced Settings section, which is supposed to prevent this behavior, however as soon as OneDrive syncs, the files are manipulated in some way that removes the thumbnail images.

You can see the behavior by saving a file, looking at the folder, and you will see the thumbnail. Then when OneDrive syncs, it will disappear (as seen above).

This latest build of OneDrive in Windows 11, breaks thumbnails in Windows for 3dm files. I can confirm this behavior that @josep is seeing.

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Thanks for figuring this out.
I don’t use OneDrive and have no plans to do so.
Since OneDrive moves the file, and the file explorer shell extension reads the saved thumbnail in the file, this explains it.

Thanks Microsoft, not!

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So we can only wait Microsoft to fix this?

I’ve spent many hours trying to solve this issue, so for now, I’ve found a workaround for a large number of Rhino + OneDrive users experiencing the missing thumbnail preview problem. This solution requires additional disk space and installing another program, but it works.

You need to install FreeFileSync (with RealTimeSync) to synchronize local folders.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create a new local folder outside of OneDrive.
  2. Set up synchronization between this new local folder and your OneDrive folder containing your 3D files.
  3. Forget about the OneDrive folder and work directly in the local folder.

I know this somewhat defeats the purpose of using OneDrive, but for me, the lack of thumbnail previews is a major issue. This way, I can see the previews while still keeping my files synchronized and accessible from another computer if needed.

Hope this helps someone facing the same problem!

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