We are testing Rhino on both Mac and Windows. We are using several of 3Dconnexions products but we have the same problem with different 3Dconnexion product and on both platforms.
When we have a medium sized model (around 300MB .3dm file) the and using 3Dconnexion mouse SpaceNavigator/SpaceMouse Enterprise/Pro the rotation/movement of model is VERY jumpy. When using a for instance magic mouse the same operation much more smoother. I have seen some topics on this forum about this but haven’t seen any solution.
So same model on different platforms with different 3Dconnexion product results in same problem but not with a mouse.
Any advice?
If you can make a video would be helpful to understand exactly the behavior.
Meanwhile, from the SpaceNavigator and SpaceMouse Pro user in Mac Rhino considerations.
- the behavior of these 3D mouse is different than any other mouse, for better or for worse …
- Please note that at the time, the only officially supported 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse for Mac Rhino is the SpaceNavigator. This means that all the problems with for example the SpaceMouse Pro, are “dumped” the end user. At the time, the intentions are unknown and the 3D Connexion time and Rhino is fully supported.
- after 2 years of daily use (Mac Rhino), my experience with these mice is that you have to “adjust” settings “and” approach "maximizing the benefits and avoiding the uses that create problems.
While modeling, you should keep in mind that the center of gravity of rotation XYZ 3D Mouse is often “out of control” and that WE must, from time to time suggest that the center of rotation (I use this all the time controls and _zoom _target
_zoom _Extents). It is equally important to note that sometimes, you need to move the center of rotation even WHILE you are using a modeling Rhino command (for example, during a sweep at 2 binary I happen to use the Zoom commands 10 times).
4)keep an eye on activity monitoring (memo item) during the modeling of heavy file into Rhino.
If swap (use of hd ram due to the exhaustion of the installed RAM) to close other apps and possibly save your work, close and restart Rhino.
If you see the video jerky depends on video compression. During this modeling was all fluid except for the times when you can not make zoom over a certain value
I have the same problem try downloading Moi 3.0 and try your 3Dconnexion product on the same drawing. The 3Dconnexion product works great in Moi, But in Rhino it’s crap.
So there is your answer
Hi Douglas
Can you share here a file that is slow in the pan, zoom with the 3d connexion mouse?
Sorry I am not prepared to release any of my models, all I can tell you is that the model is 2.45 GB when saved small. The problem is at Zoom Extents, then rotation is very very slow and juddery, If one zooms in then the rotation is fine. Moi performs flawlessly with the same model, be in zoomed out or in.I hope this helpsDouglas
I see. If you run with these models the Zoom Extents with a mouse what happens?
Are you able to rotate, pan, zoom etc. with a normal mouse without slowing down in Rhino?
I have the same problem. Apparently nobody understand this.
Test 1:
view model, rotate/pan/etc with mouse, smooth
Test 2:
view model (SAME AS in test 1) rotate/pan/etc with mouse, slower
If test 1 and test 2 use a large enough model differences becomes VERY visible.
My ide is that signalling of mouse change goes a different SW-path compared to signalling from 3dConnexio mouse.
I haverun your request with a Microsoft cable mouse, a Microsoft wireless mouse and a3D Connexion Cad mouse, as far as I can tell all perform Rhino’s rotate viewwith the same amount of jerkiness.
At fullextents the Space Pilot appears not to rotate at all.
Zoomingin very close all using Rhino’s rotate view rotate much better but still with adegree of jerkiness. The Space Pilot at the same zoom level as previous rotatesnearly as the mice, but at least it rotates. Likewise all other space pilotfunctions.
Openinga model of 841 KB, and carry out the same tests. The Space Pilot works fine,and so do all 3 mice. So could it be that 16GB of ram in the Dell 6800 is not sufficient?
Anyother requests – questions, please do not hesitate
Thanks for the test. This confirms my suspicion.
The main problem is not the 3dConnexion Mouse but the file’s weight, the performance of the Mac and Rhino.
I’m currently working on a file of about 1.3 gb. Any pan, zoom etc. is going to be extremely slow. Use Space Mouse Pro.
To work efficiently use a small trick with good satisfaction.
I created a mesh file for each part, then with the mesh reduction command, I reduced the files by 40%, all saved in a new file. When I work and I need to modify a part and have all the other visible, I do so. Cmd + c of the nurbs file to edit, cmd + v on the mesh file. The result is surprising.
Edit:Reading better I seemed to understand that you are using a Dell 6800.
Being the forum dedicated to Rhino Mac, I assumed that Rhino Mac is used.
Otherwise, it is not possible to have a correct comparison term.
It is clear for me that the jumpy behaviour is caused by the use of 3dconnexion mouse (I have tow different models)
The jumping behaviour increases with larger model size.
Paraphrasing your problem: using the same model, rotating a perspective view is smooth with a mouse and jerky with a 3DConnexion Space Navigator.
I have tried duplicating this on Mac Rhino 5.3.2 and have not succeeded. I used an Apple developer tool to measure drawing speed in frames per second (fps). With a small model I got 60 fps both with a mouse and with the Space Navigator. I also tested with a very large model and got about 6 fps using either a mouse or Space Navigator. I do not see any speed difference that is dependent on the input device.
If you would like to send us your model confidentially so we can test it, you can use https://www.rhino3d.com/upload. Mention this discourse thread in your comments.
Please also post your Rhino info from Rhinoceros > About Rhinoceros > More Info > Copy to clipboard and paste the result in a new post here.