Voronoi 3D Weaverbird Thickened Mesh Invalid

Ok, so you want to have a 1m thickness to the surface, but do you mean that the surface is actually 1m thick, or that the overall thickness is 1m!? I just put it overall at 10m because it seemed to more closely match your original intentions, however this last image you’ve posted makes me think it is 1m overall thickness! Sorry for the confusion.

If the former, then you can follow Martin’s guidance, but you need to rebuild the surface. In the last image it looks like it isn’t because you have that ‘droopy’ section in the middle. Similar to Martin’s definition, I modified one of the originals I posted just to make the mesh generation a little cleaner. You can see a thickness of 1m offset mesh (a) and after CC subdivision (b & c):

VorEdit3.gh (67.9 KB)

Now, if you still want to go for the 1m overall thickness with smaller ‘struts’, let’s look at the second definition again. One thing I did notice upon closer inspection is that the Skeleton Fattener isn’t working terribly well in certain places. Reading up on Daniel (Piker)'s post (linked above), it appears that there are some cases where this can happen. As we are looking at a volumetric network it does cause issues with the angles which I cannot seem to resolve (a). However, by using the ‘Topologizer’ and ‘ExoSkeleton’ components (also by a younger Daniel), we do seem to get a nice result (b). Links to these useful components are posted below.

VorEdit4.gh (66.2 KB)

Personally, I don’t really do much of this stuff anymore these days, I have some old scripts that do similar things that I’ve lost but Daniel is really the person who wraps things up properly and he has published an amazing array of tools! Curious that the 8 years old exoskeleton is still the goto and I couldn’t get the fattener to give such a nice result, but they work in different ways of course. I’d be interested if anyone has any other ideas/components that work as well for this kind of problem @ajarindia.



Also post by HS_Kim on the Dendro plugin which might be another option combined with topologizer:

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