3D modeling with Rhino software

3D design of staircase with Rhino software


Impressive. Waiting to see the whole thing.

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Impressive. How did you create the intricate shapes?

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These are not complex shapes, if you separate seemingly complex volumes into details and make those details, the final volume will be formed, you must have a correct understanding of the model you want to make and be fully familiar with the capabilities of the software. I am also familiar with Max, Maya, Zbrush and SolidWorks, but Rhino is something else :slightly_smiling_face:


@Ali_Paknahad that looks great, pls share a screenshot of the nurbs model in shaded view.

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Damn Ali… those are amazing…
thanks for sharing

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This is a method used alot in jewelry design there are videos on youtube like this;

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Thank you for your kindness :sweat_smile:

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I watched this clip completely, this is not my method, I think this method used in the movie does not give good results because the sharpness of the parts being modeled is very important and you cannot model sharp and flawless parts with this method.


So he used lots of curves, network surf and history

What do you use then? Other stuff I can think of is subD, blend or sweep rail

I do know this has been possible to do during v5 days and probably even beyond

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Nice I will have to experiment with those, beautiful work

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Was using the android tablet to test some of those commands you showed earlier I think I’m on to something here very fun learning new stuff

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Dear friend,
I am very busy with several projects, as soon as I get some time, I will upload a clip from the previous project that you sent here :cherry_blossom:

No worries, The ornaments would be nice to know how to make like the flowers etc…

I see that you use transform tools like cage edit I will test more and see if I can combine that

I was thinking since rhino can rebuild the curves to subD and sweep rails is available for it have you ever tried this aprouch? Since the stuff you make is organic maybe would be beneficial for you.

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I have experience working with subD, but I haven’t used it seriously in my modeling work yet, I must definitely do one of my works with subD in the future.

Yeah I have some ideas i will test this combination

I am eagerly awaiting the result of an @Ali_Paknahad and @CADARTZ team up…

Wondertwin powers activate! :slight_smile:


Lots of great talent in this forum i learn something new every time i visit, sometimes i feel like im a noobie starting Rhino from day one again with how much information there is😄

This type of modelling is very interesting to achieve and quite the challenge so im doing some tests and collecting/combining techniques at the moment.

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