Print resolution WISH

Is there a way to set the resolution for printing layouts?
Or please set the default to at least 150dpi.

Printing a shaded detail comes out pixelated…


Isn’t the printing resolution a printer setting? Because i can change dpi in my printer properties.

No. I can set the printer to print at 600dpi, but it cannot print higher than the resolution of the image (detail viewport).
There must be a way for Rhino to shade at a higher resolution in the detail viewport.
How does it work on a retina computer for instance?

I see what you mean. There is a little trick get a high resolution image.


And set the Width and height 3-5 times higher than standard. Then print this image and you will have smooth curves.

Difference between normal and 3 times:

But I have a layout with multiple viewports with a shaded view.
So I want to print the whole page at high resolution. And this is not possible, for non vector objects…

Hi Morten,

@stevebaer is probably the guy at McNeel to know what happens behind the scenes:

I never found this, but a quick test indeed reveals that at higher resolutions set in the (PDF) printer, there seems to be no change in pixel information in rastered/shaded viewports. The quality of vectors increases with higher resolution set.
I’d be curious to know where this is/can be controlled.


@stevebaer do you have any input on above topic?


Could a solution be that you can set the resolution of each detail viewport individually? Like you do with the scale.

Any update on this?
I just want to output a pdf layout with a rendered view in printable resolution.


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McNeel is on west coast time (Seattle, Washington), so they may not be open yet.

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Hi Morten, if you need to get the job out, a workaround in the meantime is to -ViewCaptureToFile of the shaded view at a high res then bring the image into Layout as a PictureFrame and adjust the size and trim up to fit the space.

This works well but increases the file size quite a bit if there are multiples, which may not be a problem. Also you will need to embed the jpgs if you send the file to anyone.

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Thanks Brian,

Good workaround. Thanks.
I hope Mcneel will update the layout functionality with time.

This is a major issue, in my opinion. It might belong wherever the major 2D graphics issues are listed for fixes:

It appears to me that the default dpi of a shaded view on a layout print is so coarse that subpixellation turns all lines of the default linewidth (or finer) grey. The dpi setting in the print requester doesn’t have any effect on bitmapped detail views (only vector graphics) so unless there’s another place to set this, the problem seems to remain unaddressed.

I would also like this feature added. The workaround I currently use is to make layout pages twice the size I want and then scale them down, e.g. create A1 layout and scale down to A3. It means that type size and everything else has to be double correct size at outset, so not ideal.