World Axes Icon: can you change size?

This is not a problem, but more of a tweak I would like to do after I installed some larger monitors. The world axes icon is apparently a fixed size, so it got smaller with the higher resolution. Is there any setting I can access to make it appear larger?

I only know of two settings that you can apply to the World Axes Icon.

  1. Visibility: Tools>Options>Document Properties>Grid>Grid Properties>Show world axes icon
  2. Colour: Tools>Options>Rhino Options>View>Display Modes>(Type Name)>Grid>Grid Settings>World axis icon color usage

Logically #2 is where you would find the size setting if one existed.

Thanks for the reply, but I have already tried those two areas. Changing the color helps a little, but Iā€™d still like to hear from a McNeel staffer. Iā€™m hoping there might be a command line ā€˜hackā€™ that would let me modify the size of the World Axes Icon.

Hi Dave- none that I know of, or can remember at any rate ā€¦ if I can find out different, Iā€™ll post back.


Pascal: thanks for the reply. I think itā€™s just one of those UI elements that is a fixed pixel size, so it gets smaller and smaller when you use a larger monitor with higher resolution.

I was hoping it was adjustable since the gumball can be modifiedā€¦

This is on our bug list:

That sounds very cool and thanks for the update! Will it be addressed in an SR or the next full version?

Hi Dave- that is unlikely to be changed in V5, is my guess.


Hi, has this been fixed? In my Rhino 6 I see the axis very small, sometimes (especially in the perspective view) it is difficult for me to understand which direction I am looking to. Both in Rhino 5 and in Rhino WIP this is not an issue and axis are more or less usual size so I donā€™t think it is a monitor issue. Is there a way to enlarge / reduce the icon I have accidentally activated?

Go into Options, Advanced and type ā€œaxisā€ in the search box. You should get something like the following:

The first entry (size) can be changed to suit your needs.




However it changes the length of the axis only, not the label unfortunately which is still not readable

Type ā€œworldā€ in the search box and change the ā€œlabel sizeā€



Fantastic, it worked! Many thanks!