Wish: Width Independant from Linetype (same as print width)


The recent introduction of pixel-based line widths is incredibly useful, especially for optimizing displays and creating 3D diagrams seamlessly without toggling Print Display ON. It also enhances intuitive usage compared to the print display, where displayed printing widths exhibited inconsistencies, such as 0.5 appearing identical to 0.8.

However, the current implementation lacks flexibility. Print Width handles this aspect correctly.


  1. Creating a unique linetype is necessary for each custom display width.
  2. Managing multiple objects with various widths becomes challenging.
  3. Linetype and width are not independent; even for a continuous 1px width, a separate linetype is required for hidden 1px width, despite identical widths.

A potential improvement would be to introduce a Display Width box in the properties as well as in layers for better control.


Hello- I am glad you find this a good feature in real life - can you provide a simple example of what does not quite work for you?


Hi Pascal.

Yes, when I am trying to create diagrams with lines that have varying line weights just as these.

Think about it the same way as printing, but in pixels. There is a reason why you guys made printing widths work the way they do, so that they are easy to control and customize for printing requirements. At the end, printing is just the output, but the diagram needs are the same for both Display and Print modes.

Pixel width should be independent from linetype, same way as printing width is.