WISH - Request for Enhanced Save Prompt Workflow in Work Sessions

Dear Rhino Team,

I’d like to suggest an enhancement to streamline the save process in work sessions. Currently, when switching between models, Rhino prompts separately for saving the file and the work session, with a noticeable delay between these prompts. This causes a break in the workflow and a minor yet significant loss of time.

Suggested Improvement:
I propose consolidating the save prompts (file and work session) into a single, swift interaction (or two, one after the other), followed by asynchronous saving, loading in the background. This would allow users to continue working without unnecessary pauses, improving efficiency and the overall experience.


Minimizes waiting time between prompts.
Enables a smoother workflow.
Boosts productivity by reducing interruptions.
This adjustment, while small, could significantly enhance user experience, especially when there are lots of large files.

Thank you for considering this suggestion.

Best, and happy holidays