Wish - hot key act as oneLayerOn -

dear mc neel
We have LayerStateManager, Snapshots, and new LayerBook…
a bit confusing ?
Maybe LayerBook can be somehow integrated into Snapshots ?
Maybe some of the Features can be separated, like a command that generates a certain number of layers that are numbered ?

I would appreciate more generic and intuitive ways auf the Layer-Palette:
a simple hot key - option, alt, shift or whatever is possible - to klick on the light-bulb-icon or lock-icon of the Layer-Palette - and get the “oneLayerOn” function - but please with child layers not changing their status. and please with parent layers changing the status (to turn on to make the child visible) - for me this would be all i need to make my presentations more fluid and also benefit a lot for other workflows…

either i did not get the power of the layerbook - but i am not convinced…

thanks for discussing it with us…

best regards from switzerland…tom

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I agree that onelayeron could use some enhancement. I would like it to act like Isolate/Unisolate
So next to a visible, locked state there would be a layer isolate state (just like with isolating an OSnap with ctrl key it could work like that ctrl clicking on the light bulb)


i love this Idea - why did it get lost ?
it s not in the v8 beta
ctrl click on the light bulb
ctrl click on the lock

(Adobe Illustrator has / had some similar feature regarding outline display and I think visibility as well. maybe check to use same hotkey-combination ? - i have no idea why this topic got “layerbook” as tag)

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Artec Studio has a ctrl click option to only show one scan / object. It’s super efficient and doesn’t require any extra space in the layer panel.


+1 for something like IsolateLayer!

Question is, though, wether to simply hide all objects not on that layer with the usual existing object level isolate mechanism, or if there should be an additional ‘level’ of hiding/unhiding layers. Like some temporary layer state.
Because the latter might be slower. Out of experience: hiding/showing lots of layers (maybe by layer states) in bigger scenes tend to take a good while. Simply isolating is usually faster.

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in my mind it s the same as
just like turning off all light-bulbs in the layer panel.
(should respect nested layers and only turn of top-level)