[Wish]Add Base Plane input and output to the Model Block Definition

Hi ,
1.we can assign the coordinated system when using the block command in Rhino.
2.we can assign the coordinated system when using elefront in Grasshopper.
3.we can not assign the coordinated system when using native component in Grasshopper.
So my wish is:
1.Add Base Plane input and output to the Model Block Definition.So we can define and modify the coordinated system of one block.
2.After that,we can also modify the coordinated system of one block when it is necessary.
See picture below:

In fact,this topic was discussed somewhere else.But it seems that it is ignored.

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Are you aware of the Model Block Instance component?

Yes,I know the Model Block Instance component. It can orient basic block from the original coordinated system/Base Plane to new coordinated system/ multi new planes.
My wish is focusing on the original coordinated system or Base Plane of one block. By default,the Base Plane is always one right-handed rectangular coordinate system at {0,0,0}. It is enough for most times but I still want more convenience or flexibility.

I was also suprised when I moved over from Elefront. I’m now simply reorienting everything for a block from a local cplane to the XY plane to create the block definition and then then use the inverse transformation for the block instance.

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@AndyPayne just make this clarification at this post,which explain the reason why base plane input/output is not added.

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