I’m on the market to buy a second hand Rhino 6 or 7 license. Is anyone selling?
Hey Schaafstal,
I am looking to sell my Rhino 6 license. Please let me know if you are interested!
To transfer a commercial license, you need to fill out an official license transfer form and have it signed by both parties. Contact sales@mcneel.com to get the form. McNeel will also check the validity of the existing license and that it indeed is registered to the person selling it. This is very important, because otherwise you may not be able to validate the license when you install.
Hi James. Very interested.
@schaafstal I’m looking to sell my Rhino7 license if you’re still looking
If someone bought 6, upgraded to 7, then upgraded to 8. If they sell 6, don’t they loose the entire chain of progression of dependencies ? (since your 8, depended on 7, which depended on 6)
Yes, and Sales will ensure that this is handled correctly.
No, it cannot be sold on its own. The license is one contiguous license. When Rhino 6 is upgraded it becomes part of the license path going forward. It cannot be split apart and/or sold separately. If someone sells the Rhino 6, they’ll need to include the Rhino 7/8 upgrades with it.
Hi Nigel. I bought a 2nd hand #6 license. Hope you find someone.