I’m willing to buy a second hand Rhino 7 license cheaper. Is anyone selling?
Of course if anyone want to sell Rhino8 is better ,although I know that is impossible.
Commercial licenses are transferrable.
Educational and NFR licenses are not.
Sales has a little form to fill out to finalize the transfer when that time comes.
If a license is offered, I would recommend checking with Seattle Sales to make sure it’s a valid, transferrable license before paying for it.
Hi I’m winding my business up and have a Rhino7 license. Flick me an email nigel@tasnav.co.nz if you’re still on the hunt
Hello, I’m looking to buy a used Rhino 7 license- if anyone is selling please email me: laurie.mcgrath@hkjewellery.co.uk
OK, but after a license that has once been an educational one (bought many years back as a student) but has since been upgraded, becomes a commercial one then, right? Meaning that it can then be transferred?
Yes, commercial licenses that are upgrades over educational licenses are transferable. Not sure what happens to the original educational license in this case as it cannot be transferred.
OK thanks for the quick answer.
An old friend ffrom uni still has his old one but since he has access to Rhino through the company he works at, he doesn’t need it anymore. I just set up a second computer in another room of my studio and why not have rhino running there as well. could enable me to render there while working on the main system at the same time.
So the procedure is that first he has to buy the commercial upgrade from McNeel or a reseller and install it. Then you and he can fill out the transfer form and send it to McNeel for approval, who will handle the transfer of the license to your account.
that would have been my next question.
perfect understood, thank you!