Will Cycles get material nodes like in Blender?

I am not sure how feasible this would be given the Rhino UI, but just asking.

It is on my future list but I have no ETA for it. Before that is a fact I am updating our Cycles codebase to latest. Whenever it happens it’ll be built on Grasshopper canvas.

There is already a Grasshopper plug-in GhShaderNodes that I created for my own purposes. It is not a finished product by far: missing shader nodes, uncharacteristic GH component behavior, need access to TestShowPrivateContent Cycles XML material, etc.

I used it to prototype all of the shader implementations we have in Rhino: Rhino Custom material, Physically Based material, environment shader, light shaders, part of the decal shader generation, texture mapping channel integration, etc.

Here an old example

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oh, cool ! You are already on it.
They can do a LOT of neat tricks with nodes on Blender. Glad to hear we will get that power some day within Rhino.

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