Why Rhino does not fill mesh holes?


Why Rhino does not fill mesh holes?

The mesh with one hole (on the left) attached.
stamp.3dm (11.1 MB)

this video may help- https://youtu.be/QW-SjceefsQ?si=V5DimVy2e5ULig4o

for stuff that won’t fill, delete some of the surrounding faces and make a bigger hole. then patch single face to section it off and fillmeshhole to close it up

Thanks. I think my file is corrupted (edges). See the screenshot.
Your solution is not applicable to my model as I need to create holes very long and only one face wide.



You can also try fixing it with Grasshopper. Just fyi

RepairMesh.gh (7.9 KB)


Thanks :slight_smile:

Jessesn’s rebuild in Rhino of the mesh makes sense. But looking into how this mesh got so split apart in the first place. How what the mesh created or from what file format was it imported from?

For instance DXF files as a mesh limitation of 32000 faces. This can produce some really odd sub-meshes simply because of the fole format limitations.

I have a file opened in Rhinowith 4745862 faces. This file was produced by Global Mapper and strangely consisted of 361 strip meshes. I joined them in Rhino.
Now, whes saving, I see the message “Large mesh is being subdivided”.

The mesh you are asking about - I’ve must have done something strange to it as I was experimenting with 3D asc files in Java Script.

Which product is splitting the mesh? Is it being saved DXF or DWG? Are there other formats possible?

Rhino 6 splits meshes - when saving to dxf or dwg but not when saving to stl.
Here you have 2 screens - for a dxf file and for an stl file.

Yes DXF and DWG formats will have to split meshes in sub-meshes less then 32000 faces.

Ironically, STL actually splits every single face into individual triangles. So at read, we guess what is joined to what. But it can be inconsistent what gets joined for a number of reasons. @jessesn shows how that join information can be reset, but are there other formats that can be used?

OBJ might work well.

For me it’s enough to work in .3dm and then export to .stl for further treatment.