Ok so just a heads up, I am very new to scripting so I may ask a lot of questions.
So I want to write a script that makes layouts in gh. So I made this script in the Py Gh component.
“”" Inputs
z = Print to layout Bool
x = Title of new layout Text
y = Rectangles to creat details from Crv
u = List of views for each perspective Text
v = Width of page
w = Height of page
a = New layout in Rhino. ?
if z is None:
z = false
if x is None:
x = (“New Layout”)
if z is True:
Layout = (rs.AddLayout( (x) , (v,w)))
The problem is that whenever I click the button, not even hold it down it makes 16 new layouts instead of 1. Not sure why that is. Does anyone know what could fix this?