Why is my python script making multiple layouts?

Ok so just a heads up, I am very new to scripting so I may ask a lot of questions.

So I want to write a script that makes layouts in gh. So I made this script in the Py Gh component.

“”" Inputs
z = Print to layout Bool
x = Title of new layout Text
y = Rectangles to creat details from Crv
u = List of views for each perspective Text
v = Width of page
w = Height of page
a = New layout in Rhino. ?
if z is None:
z = false

if x is None:
x = (“New Layout”)

if z is True:
Layout = (rs.AddLayout( (x) , (v,w)))

The problem is that whenever I click the button, not even hold it down it makes 16 new layouts instead of 1. Not sure why that is. Does anyone know what could fix this?

u is a list of 4 items, y is 4 lists of 1 item, 4x4 = 16

Thanks! is there a way that I can fix that? They are not referenced in the script yet right? :confused:

This will create your layouts…

addLayoutspy.gh (5.2 KB)

Sweet thank you!
How would you recommend adding details to each layout from rectangles?

There are many examples on the forum


Your amazing! Thanks!