I want to know whats is the problem here… and why in some situations the gumbal trim works and others dont.
On the Line 1 (what I really need) it doesnt work. But on the Line 2 situation it works.
Here’s the file
GumbalCuttingProblem.3dm (666.1 KB)
Probably because the cut makes coincidental surfaces. Extrude your cut line and run Intersect between it and the object to cut and you can see the problem with the intersection. I guess I would call this a “limitation”… Note that extruding line into a surface and using BooleanSplit
also fails. Normal Split
however succeeds…
Nothing is perfect, neither Rhino
Now that i know ill remember how to proceed when happens again.
Thanks @Helvetosaur!
If McNeel could “fix” this, it will be really usefull