I’m trying to BooleanUnion these two objects:
The cube is a closed extrusion and the other thing is a closed solid polysurface.
Here’s the file.
BooleanUnion Fail.3dm (81.4 KB)
I’m trying to BooleanUnion these two objects:
The cube is a closed extrusion and the other thing is a closed solid polysurface.
Here’s the file.
BooleanUnion Fail.3dm (81.4 KB)
I believe it fails because your cylinder and box are tangent.
If you move/scale slightly the cylinder the booleanunion succeeds:
It might as well be a tolerance/precision issue.
In this case and if you can’t move one of the objects as @ivelin.peychev says, you can use _Split first, then extratct the surfaces you don’t need:
I went with split first, then union.
Thanks for the advice, I’m back on track now.
It also works with file tolerance at 0.01