When opening a 3DM with linked blocks

I have a working file with linked blocks as reference components in the file.
the blocks are in mm, the working file is not. is it possible to add a selection to remember the previous scaling option per block file? I see a thread from 2022 that references a similar question but does not seem to be resolved. if the option to remember unit scaling preferences within a 3dm file with linked blocks could be added, it would be a welcome feature as the file open operation hangs at the dialog. creating a script to supress the unit scaling dialog is less useful, some of the blocks linked my be of different native units and having the option to remember per block scaling upon first inserting them would be the ideal.

I think it would be nice if attribute user text could be displayed for linked blocks.

There is a default attribute user text ‘ModelUnits’ but I don’t see how it can be displayed when the Rhino file is placed in another file as linked block?