When importing multiple DXF files, rhino imports the first file over and over instead of each unique file

I am attempting to import multiple DXF files. The first one imports correctly. Each DXF I attempt to import thereafter imports incorrectly as the first DXF.
If I instead try drag 12 files from an explorer window into rhino, I get 12 copies of the first file in the list, instead of 12 unique files.

Bug? Fix? User error?

Hi Greg - sounds wrong to me, I’ll check it. Thanks.
I’m not seeing this behavior here so far…

If you can repeat this with just two or three simple files, can you post those for me to try?



Here are 2 of the files I have been working with. Whether I import one at a time or drag both into Rhino at the same time I get the same result, I end up with 2 identical blocks in my workspace.


1-2 Lord CNC.dxf (197.6 KB)
Camel CNC.dxf (245.5 KB)

Ah. Blocks. There is probably a name conflict. I’ll check it. Yeah, it looks like the blocks in each file share the same names so they are replaced.


Greg, afaik there is no quick easy workaround for this scenario. Would be great if the rhino block manager could automatically suffix succeeding blocks that have same block name.
My workaround: Import first file. Explode. Open block manager and delete block. Repeat with next files.

You can also rename blocks in BlockManager before inserting the second file. But, V6 should handle this better and so far, today, it is not, so I’m digging into that…


Thanks for looking into this. At least I have a workaround for the time being.


Hello Ya’ll
I came across the same problem in Rhino 6 and found this thread when looking for a solution. I had deleted the blocks in the black manger as an attempted solution, and now none of my DXF files are importing … Rhino seems to be reading them but nothing it showing up …

I was curious if you ended up finding a solution or had any further advice?


Hi Sidney - how are you determining that nothing gets imported? Could you post one of those DXF files?

Hi Sidney - are the incoming files still showing in BlockManager? If so and there are no instances in the file, the definition would be replaced and nothing would show up in the viewport.


Hello! Thank you for your replies, the original file had been from illustrator, I tried re-exporting the dxf files from illustrator and for some reason it fixed the problem, which leads me to believe perhaps it was an error in Illustrator. Though I still have to rename the blocks upon each import.


Hi Sidney -

That is the expected behavior, yes. The existing block definition survives importing a different block with the same name. To be able to import a different block with the same name, you must rename the existing block definition.

Thank you for clarifying this, I really appreciate the help :slight_smile: