What’s the best/recommended way to have a support forum for my Grasshopper plugin(s)?
On here, maybe with a seperate category? (In that case, how do I get/create one?)
Or on www.grasshopper3d.com? (But I have the idea that that one is being phased out).
Somewhere else?
You can use both the forms(old and new) but mcneel administrators will suggest this new one only.You can’t create a category like in the old forum here.Only admin can do that. They create when you’re plugin have more queries,download rate.These details are as far upto my knowledge.More can be cleared accurately by @DavidRutten
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At the start you can use food4rhino support email. After some time if many people are asking questions about the plugin and it’s getting a larger user base McNeel will add a category here, essentially the plugin itself needs to gain some traction and have lots of questions asked about it, atleast that is what I’ve heard.
Alternatively, you could make your own discourse like Lady Bug Tools did. https://discourse.ladybug.tools
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