What settings control pixelation and banding of rasters in V8?


cant get these images bigger its 3x that in reality, silly image handling here. you will have to imagine it bigger !
Normally one can click and get a separate image display window which then allows a click again for ACTUAL SIZE, but thats not available, why not ?

Having been working on a OBJ with rasters in V5, then opened it into V8, the same areas are visually poorer.
Agisoft metashape has a problem wherein it makes blurred areas when the photos are pin sharp (or at least no where near as bad, such a shame and makes working on the meshes much harder in those areas !)
I have to work through that, however V8 is making it worse with pixelation and banding.
What settings do I adjust to get it as V5 ?

I was also hoping for a faster workflow, project a circle to the mesh V8 16 secs V5 18 secs.
Not quite the speed I was after as every projection is taking that long and I have hundreds to do.

Again what settings will speed that up as its going to take forever.

The save in V5 was 1min 30secs, hope with compression turned off (not even an option in V5) it will be VERY quicker. 20secs v 2mins was a previous test.



You probably have flat shading on, which doesn’t draw geometry smoothed:

I’ll take a look and report back



If its a texture problem, you could try the “enable filtering” option in your texture settings in the material panel. I sometimes work with pixel textures and I had the opposite problem, where pixels would get blurred together when I rescaled the image.