Hi guys, i am a rhino3D user up to v5. Been out of it for a long time.
I am just wondering what kind of jobs require the use of Rhino3D in 2025 in New York City.
I learned procedural modeling on Houdini, and it seems to me that Grasshopper is the better procedural modeler. Jeeeshhh.
Is there a way to sift through job postings only to see jobs that need the use of rhino3D???
What’s your background? Rhino is used in many industries.
Just search either “Rhino 3D” Or “Rhinoceros 3D” and it should come up. Try Indeed.com? Just check the posting dates as they’re often a little old.
Rhino is kind of niche though. It’s relatively more popular in certain fields like Landscape Architecture and Marine/Navel design. Sometimes you have to convince potential employers/clients that you can use Rhino in lieu of Sketchup (you’ll need a little luck with that… but just a little). Most postings list it as just another skill to have opposed to the job posting’s focus being something like “Rhino 3D modeler”.
Your real employment value is the knowledge you bring with you and the ability to execute assignments with whichever tools you use. I never see Carpentry job postings asking for people who use “Dewalt” saws specifically. You’ll show up with whatever discipline you have and use whatever tools (software) they make available to you.
coroflot.com has a pretty decent list, use their 3d designer filter or you can search for jobs in NYC
as does the IDSA Job Board - Industrial Designers Society of America
I am proficient with rhino3D before it had parametric modeling. I am fluent with subd modeling as well. I am now in photography industry and just got two part time jobs today what when combined feels like a full time job, busy 7 days a week.
i was just wondering if i could use my skills in rhino3D in anyway.
i am a new legal immigrant in nyc, so computer graphics was just a hobby for me in the last 20 years.