What is this pattern called and how to start?

Hey everyone!
I found a pattern that I want to recreate for my project. I want it on a Brep.
I’m looking for some tutorials how to make this. Maybe anyone knows what this is called?

Source: Bolin Webb Wash Bag

Thank you

it could be good you learn also to search on internet. Here what I usually do to search on this forum. I use google and “site:https://discourse.mcneel.com” keyword in order to have just result from this forum. Then a keyword relative to your search.

Your pattern is a sort of double sinusoid or waffle

What I found

You could also do this sort of thing in Rhino even without grasshopper.
If you rebuild your surface to have enough control points, select them in a checkerboard pattern
(easy to do if you rotate to the diagonal), and move them up.

You could then use cagemorph to get the subtle fading out of the bump height towards the edges and the 2d squishing towards the ends.

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