What component is this?

Which list component is this? It’s not in sets?

List item

No unfortunately not. List item has an L. This is an E. With a List and wrap input, just like list index.

Old version of List Item

Fullname: MathComponents.ArrayComponents.Component_ListItem_OBSOLETE_ASWELL
Defined : MathComponents, Version=6.7.18177.12461, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=dda4f5ec2cd80803
Dynamically loaded
Comp ID : 285ddd8a-5398-4a3e-b3c2-361025711a51
Inst ID : 902c7618-37bd-4eb6-8264-82acf2eb1d0c


Inherited from: 
    Fullname: Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_Component
    Defined : Grasshopper, Version=6.7.18177.12461, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=dda4f5ec2cd80803
    Stored  : C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Grasshopper.dll

    Fullname: Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_ActiveObject
    Defined : Grasshopper, Version=6.7.18177.12461, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=dda4f5ec2cd80803
    Stored  : C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Grasshopper.dll

Input parameter(s):
    L: List
    Base list
    Expected type: IGH_Goo

    i: Index
    Item index
    Expected type: GH_Integer

    W: Wrap
    Wrap index to list bounds
    Expected type: GH_Boolean

Output parameter(s):
    E: Element
    Item at {i'}
    Expected type: IGH_Goo

It might be a custom cluster. GH icons are available and sometimes people -including me- use them for their own user objects…
You don’t have the definition? (or at least the full image?)

It is old one before list item had a ZUI output. you can find it by searching #listitem although you don’t need it if you just use the current list item.

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I thought it would be list item but then my def doesn’t work out!
Here is the original definitional its from the panelling tools primer.

It is list item :smiley: means you are doing something else wrong. Post your definition.

Thanks very much for your time. Below is my definition.

I haven’t included the points or curves but they should really be universal.

The point of the exercise is to morph lines in panelling tools without having to loft in rhino.

Thanks again for your time.