see attached.
What command would alter the edge of this surface.
I had used a command to move the surface AB to location CD. then was succesful in altering the bevel edge to be at CD, but cannot find a command to alter the slope edge to fit back into the new edge at C.
i,e A must go to C. Move surface edge.3dm (58.1 KB)
in the attached what is best practice for altering the surfaces that now need extending,
note that I had to relocate surface up a bit from E to F, and a gap exists at sides and back face, and GH is not a straight line, so a planar fill could get messy. what command for that part ?
others could be MoveEdge.
though I J is not straightfwd…
Simple planar surfaces are easy to edit, because you either untrim or extend them and trim again to the necessary shape and size, or simply move their control points.
As for the non-planar surfaces with multiple control points, there is a nice plug-in (Extend surface edge) for moving just one edge of a surface while the opposite one stays in place. ExtendSurfaceEdge.rhp (42.5 KB)
I tried selecting surface and turning on control point expecting to have one on the corner and they were not on thew corners but at ends of dashed lines somewat away.
So I thought surfaces dont have control points as such then.
so I then del surface and use surface from four planar points and get naked edge, see other thread.