What are these Advanced Options for SkylightShadows?

Here’s how they work:

SkylightShadowResolutionScale and SkylightShadowResolutionScaleDynamic control the resolution (i.e. the amount of pixels) the skylight shadows are rendering at.

Valid values are between 1-3.

SkylightShadowResolutionScale = 1 means native resolution. A value of 2 means the pixel resolution is halved, a value of 3 means it’s one quarter of native resolution.

SkylightShadowResolutionScaleDynamic is the same as above, except this one is used when rendering a dynamic display, for example when a user is rotating the viewport camera around.

As you can see, by default we render at native resolution and half the resolution during dynamic draw for more responsiveness. If you’d like to render at full resolution during viewport manipulation, just change SkylightShadowResolutionScaleDynamic to 1.


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