Way to Loop my Voronoi Collision strukture


I’m quite new to GH and have been struggling for the past few days on finding a way to repeat the collision that im trying to visualise here.

I tried to visualized what my goal is by coloring in the different loops of the colliding cells.

If there is an easier approach to this I’d also be glad if someone could give me hint.

Cheers, OJ
Cocoon strukture v1.gh (8.6 KB)


And you didn’t internalize your surface param, but I got around that using a PlaneSrf.

This (below) probably doesn’t address your question, as I understand it, but this thread reminds me of a piece of work I did last March:

I copied the purple group from your code into that March “adjacency” code and got this:

adjacent_crvs_2023Jun23a.gh (33.8 KB)

For several reasons, that adjacency test doesn’t adapt well to all curves, if that’s what you want to do?


This one is a variation of your code that replaces ColOM (Collision One|Many) with Clash:

adjacent_crvs_2023Jun23b.gh (23.9 KB)

The Branch code at the bottom displays one branch at a time (in white) of the green group.


Added this purple group to yesterday’s code - when a vision takes hold, I go with it. :sunglasses:
Height of pyramid extrusions is based on remapped sum of line lengths. Sorted points AlongCrv (circles) to get base curves that are not self-intersecting.

adjacent_crvs_2023Jun24a.gh (27.5 KB)

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Thanks a lot this is exactly what I was looking for. I still need to work through understanding the code completly but this is great!!!

Very cool version of how to use the code.

PLine replaced with IntCrv. There are a few anomalies in both cases but examining the data explains why - three “cells” have only one of two points / lines.