Wasp - multiple aggregations connecting + (not connected) constrains

Hi @ar0551,

thank you for the Wasp plug-in. I have Is there a “smart” way how to create aggregation(s) (same part) starting in multiple points which are “connecting” but not intersecting with a single Wasp stochastic aggregation component?

And another question I have been struggling with. Is there a way to set for a single stochastic aggregation multiple constrains (mesh) which are not connected? I don´t want to create a multiple aggregations for each constrain or to cull the parts afterward.

Thank you for your answers

Hi @matous.stieber ,

regarding your first question, this is possible, but only if the aggregation is somewhat periodic, meaning that it follows some underlying geometric grid. If that is the case, it is possible to place multiple starting points following that grid using the TransformPart component, and then plug these parts in the PREV input of the stochastic aggregation. A workflow for achieving this is illustrated in this video: Wasp for Grasshopper #101 - Tutorial #004: Transforming Parts - YouTube

For the second question, it is definitely possible. However, there is a bug in the current official version, which does not allow to handle constraints properly. If you get the latest beta version (Release Wasp 0.5.006b · ar0551/Wasp · GitHub) and set your constraints as optional (REQ input to false), you will be able to use multiple constraints on a single aggregation.

Hope this helps.

Thank you @ar0551,

both of the solutions works well.

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Hi @ar0551,

in the end of the video posted above you mentioned that you are going to publish another tutorial about aggregation connected from multiple start points without collisions, thus possibly connecting. Is there already a tutorial for this topic? I have not found one. Thank you.

Hi, there is no other video about it.
But it is not really a Wasp-related issue, but rather one related to the geometry you are working with.
Fundamentally, you have to position your parts following some kind of dimensional grid, which allows the parts to meet again. However, this is possible only if the aggregation follows some kind of underlying repetitive structure.
You can refer to th file “0_05_Transform_Part_Aggregation_Start” in the Wasp example files to see how to do that for example.

Ok, thank you @ar0551 I understand the approach of following a grid. I was just wondering if there might be some kind of “grid pull” feature for the start points in the next Wasp version. Once again thank you for a great plug-in.