Wallacei - Ladybug Issue

Hello everyone,

I am working on my MSc thesis and I am experimenting with Wallacei while learning it (so I might be missing something).
As you can see in the image below, I am connecting the objectives straight from the source.

As I start running the process through Wallacei, the component turns white, and the Wallacei window freezes, and nothing is being processed (it has been for more than an hour in that state).

Appreciate the help :slight_smile:


I can not help you by only looking at your images. Please provide your file as well. on a different note, why do you have record data for your objectives? Wallacei records everything

Hello @milad.showkatbakhsh,

Thank you for informing me.

I think I have an issue in the Wallacei application itself because even with a simple grasshopper script, the Wallacei screen freezes and it doesn’t respond.

I have attached the script that I tested and even the Wallacei X Component didn’t give any error.
Wallacei Test.gh (28.1 KB)

I have just opened your file and ran it, it works well over here. Maybe install Wallacei again and test

Unfortunately, the issue is still persistent on my end even after I re-installed it and followed the instructions of downloading it correctly.
The window freezes and it is not responding.

Do you have any suggestion what could be causing this?

might not be a bad idea to try it out in other machines, I have already tried it in two different PCs, both worked just fine.