Wall Wrapping

Hello everyone!

I would like to know if is there a way that the finnish layers of a wall can wrap its top and bottom, just like it does on the openings. This would be very useful for plans when I have a wall that is not in section so I would see just the exterior line of the wall, instead of all its layers.

In this image we can see that the openings gets the layers wraps right but the part of the wall in “mid-height” not. If anyone knows how to get this right it would be very useful.


Hi @projeto,
It’s not possible right now to define wall layer wrapping at the top of a wall (it only wrapps when you insert openings). For that short wall, you could use a sloppy workaround consisting in making the wall a bit higher (let’s say 20cm) and insert an opening (vaOpeningcommand) that starts where the wall is supposed to finish, it is as wide as the wall width and higher than 20cm for that case.

The easiest way would be using a wall style that only has 1 component.

Thanks @fsalla !