Wall thickness

Hey everyone!

I’m working on a caravan object. I have a surface around the “living room” and a surface for the interior (like a cube within a cube). I want to connect them and create a wall thickness. I’ve tried a lot of things, but I can’t figure out how to make it work.

Does anyone have an idea or some tips to help me out?

I’m using Rhino 8.

Thanks in advance!

walls.3dm (844.7 KB)

that does not work that way, what do you want to do?

In Rhino you can’t connect/join 2 objects if they aren’t sharing at least one open edge.
A cube inside a cube is impossible in Rhino, and in reality.
Make a door or window and the 2cubes will join together trough the hole

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I want to connect them and create a wall thickness. I’ve tried everything I can think of, as I wanted to create a solid volume to continue working on it. But its fine, I can also work with the surfaces. I wondered if this is even possible with the way I’ve tried it so far.

Thanks a lot, now I know its not possible the way I was thinking. :smiley:

in real life a wall is created by chains of molecules that adhere to each other, rhino basically works pretty much the same, in rhino or other applications a surface is just a mathematical infinite thin entity that does not really represent anything real, two surfaces with one inside the other are just two infinite thin layers stacked into each other. there are applications that might make as a definition a solid out of it but not in rhino. if you want to 3d print it though then a slicer basically connects it inside with an infill depending on how dense you want it.

for rendering purposes the same issue is, most help itself with making a tiny hole that connects the inner and the outer surface, or as @skysurfer pointed out a door or window would make this a real 3d object. but when you dont have any purpose for it and just think that you need a solid than you can just also leave it the way it is.

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Thank you for the explanation! I’m still a bit new to rhino and learn how to work with surfaces and stuff.
I used the tip with the window and it workd out. Thanks.

looking at your file it is unclear what you want to have solid though, is the top open or did you just delete that before posting your file?

if it was meant to be open then you just connected the surface with a window but you did not close it.

here you have two edges that are open that would mean would you would have to make a further surface.

no problem, it felt insanely goofy when i started rhino.