Wall in Visual ARQ settings support grasshopper style* and support mesh for wall

i need wall in visual arq settings support grasshopper style and support mesh for wall
because nurbs wall is very slow in big project
now grasshopper style(in VISUALARQ2.8) support mesh and block for windows or door …
but if wall can bee created by grasshopper style perfect !in new update

Hi @architect.civil5, the feature to create walls from GH styles is planned for VisualARQ 3 version. However we will need to study if they can be created from meshes too. I’ll keep you posted.

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I think the mesh elements, not just wall are super important, they make the experience with VA a lot smoother. Btw, i tried to create simple mesh wall, the problem is with the joint and the opening is not work

Hi @baoqtrinh97 are those walls created from GH styles? I’m afraid that joints and openings won’t work if walls are created with meshes. We will study if this is possible to achieve in the future.

Hi @baoqtrinh97,

Why do you think meshes are better than brep objects?

The main reason we don’t use meshes in VisualARQ is because mesh booleans are not reliable and, most of the time, the resulting meshes contain artifacts. Also, they are not very accurate, and we believe that precision is very important in architecture. We use meshes in display (all breps are converted to meshes to be displayed or rendered), so the speed is about the same between meshes and breps in shaded viewports.

I think the debate between breps and meshes is similar to that between blocks and individual objects. There is a lot of confusion. Blocks are not faster in display than individual objects, because the GPU must process the same amount of meshes in both cases. Unless there is an error, of course. What makes blocks better is the file size and memory footprint.


Thank you for reply. Yes I know how mesh booleans are not reliable, especially in previous rhino versions, I heard they rewritten it in Rhino 8, can it make mesh booleans more accurate?

I dont know, but for me meshs are a lot faster than nurbs in many cases, I’m not an expert but it’s just what happens when I work on large projects with lots of elements, ex: curtain wall facade, it starts causing lag and the file is super heavy. When I explode them, and mesh them, they become smoother, of course the information must be stored somewhere else and the object is no longer adjustable.

I think grasshopper users usually work with nurbs script, but at the end they can export it to mesh, understanding the accuracy of objects is just acceptable, ex: for rendering scenes. But they can also bake the original nurbs if they want for further development. I love the idea of LOD that one is for performance and one for precision that can be switched around.

Hi @baoqtrinh97,

We tried to implement support for meshes in walls from Grasshopper Styles. Here is the result after creating 4 walls, adding a door, and extending them to a surface:

We see many boolean errors just in wall joins in door/window openings.


And a simpler example: just two walls in a T-join:

