Please suggest alternative for chaos cloud service. Chaos cloud is cool and secured. Just want to see if there is any cheaper option for Vray and Rhino.
I am looking for secure and cheaper option.
Google search is full of cloud rendering service farms.
But not clearly mentioned about Vray and Rhino. So I am confused.
I get some advertisement from Rebusfarm from time to time, but doesn’t used it yet. Looks like they support Vray 3.4…3.6, I’m not sure about Vray next:
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Many thanks!
Has anybody tried ??? Any opinions?
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There are many render farms, which claims to support Vray and rhino, have you tried Render farm yet?. I have used it quite a while ago and get superb results.
garagefarm I haven’t used so no opinion regarding that. more render farm supports vray and less rhino.
Hope it helps.
It is not necessary to support Rhino, you just export a .vrscene, and upload that to the render farm