Voronoi 3D Cylinder Multipipe to single closed polysurface

Hello everyone!
I am new to Rhino and am working on making a voronoi 3D cylinder which has voronoi structures not just on the surface but also in the volume of the cylinder. I referred to many forums and examples available online and was able to make one using the multipipe command.
The issue is, there are a lot of duplicates which are not closing the model and I am unable to figure out how to make into a single closed polysurface so that I can use it as a solid and perform Boolean Operations on it as my target is to export the desired model to run simulations.

Also, how to I deal with the part outside the cylinder volume and if I have to increase the count of the input for Pop3D command, is there a restriction on doing so for the value?

Your guidance on this will be of great help as I have a very tight time constraint as well.

Thanks in advance!

Could you share this .gh file?

voronoi cylinder model.gh (15.4 KB)
Here’s the grasshopper file, sorry I forgot attaching it with the previous message.

Slight offset the cylinder a bit more to create the 3d points, which can solve this issue,

voronoi cylinder model.gh (9.2 KB)

Thank you so much for the reply Jessesn!
I did check your file, but I am trying to maintain the pores as displayed in the first image but instead of it being a “pipe” with open/naked edges, I am trying to make it as a single subd solid.
can you suggest how I can achieve it?

I am trying to model a porous cylinder as shown in the reference images as I am working with metal foams for my research.

Pls give it a try with Dendro,

Dendro.gh (10.9 KB)

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Please don’t create two topics for the same problem

Thank you so much Jessesn!
I am able to make the model as a solid now.
When I try baking it, it is still staying the same. Is there anything that I have to learn about when using Dendro?
Its just that I made a solid cylinder around this model in rhino and tried doing BooleanDifference and I am unable to select the voronoi cylinder to subtract it from the solid cylinder.

Sorry, didn’t realize I made a topic prior to this as I was trying to figure this issue out. I will make sure I don’t do this again.

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You can convert it to mesh via VolumeToMesh and than bake it to Rhino