VisualARQ for RHINO 6.0?


I realize this may have been asked numerous times but thought I’d just follow up and see how the progress has been so far.

How soon will we see the release of VA for RHINO 6.0?

Thank you.

@MetDesignLab the VisualARQ version for Rhino 6 is getting closer, but it’s not ready yet. We will announce it as soon as we publish it. Take a look at this post for more details: Visualarq for Rhino6?

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In case you missed it:

Hello everybody,
I’m glad to announce that we have released VisualARQ 2.1 for Rhino 6.
You can see the news at our Blog:
Best regards,

fsalla50 Francesc Salla

Architect and VisualARQ Product Manager

Architectural software for Rhinoceros