VisualARQ dimensions snaps to objects beyond cut (layout)

Dear VisualARQ community,

Dimensioning 2D plan in the layouts is difficult (and REALLY SLOW) while it aims to snap to VisualARQ objects beyond the actual section cut.

As a result, my entire system lags in the process and makes the entire 2d output a real pain.

Is there a setting (other than to create stupid “make 2D”) to resolve this issue?

Many thanks in advance


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That sucks!!

The only solution I can suggest would involve the dreaded 2D linework. A vaPlan view. I’m still working out my own workflow but it will look something like this:

Create a layer for each level’s linework, and your vaPlanView would be on that layer. This might involve creating sublayers. For now I’m just pulling my linework off to the side. It sounds bad and it is, but it’s not that bad really.


Next: Two viewports. One for linework and one for a shaded style view - and make sure I have a dedicated layer for each one:


The viewports would actually be layered one on top of the other. It takes an extra minute to setup up, and a few extra seconds to manage (turning layers on/off). But it’s not terrible.

The “Linework” Detail View will have all layers turned off, except those specific to the linework (and for that layer unless you move the linework).

While dimensioning, I just turn the “shaded” viewport off which in turn decreases lag (somewhat).

For the time being I have all my linework pulled off to the side. but I’m working on a system/solution that would have my linework located at the actual level; I might need to do this because I want to draw elevation marks on the plans and have them show the correct elevation automatically.
An efficient layers system would be key for this to work (luckily we can have sub layers and it’s easy to duplicate layers). I say that because I think I would need to have a separate layer for each level, or run into similar problems that you’re having.

I know this isn’t quite the solution you were after but you might be able to find part of it useful. There might also be a way to solve your problem by simply stacking two viewports and having different display modes in each one (toggling one’s layer off while you dimension stuff). I don’t want someone to eat up their time experimenting with something I haven’t even tried though.

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Hi @raymond.gaetan,

You can also create the dimensions in a separate layer in the 3D model so that you can activate that layer in the corresponding layout.

Thank you guys… but really no reply from VisualArq themselves?

I, is this normal? see attached video??

I also tried the section view option but had to create another post… Rhino crashes when trying to update the section views from modified worksessions…

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Hi @raymond.gaetan,

This is the VisualARQ support team here. Please, could you send me this file? I’ll test it to see if this can be improved. You can post it here or send it to

I will answer this issue in the other post you opened.